
The First Baptist Church is the only Church in the boundaries of Dorchester.  They strongly work with the community and facilitate the Dorchester Community Social each year for all of it's members and the community to meet and become a stronger and more organized community.

Hometown Nazareth One-Day VBS for the whole family - not just kids!  August 18th, 2024  12pm-5:30pm ( Light lunch & Dinner will be served)  Go to FBC Dorchester FaceBook page to register and see more details... 

Take kids back to Hometown Nazareth, where they'll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter's son is really God's Son

 Sunday worship starts at 10:45 am  - Nusery available 

 Sunday school for all ages starts at 9:45 am

 Sunday evening Bible Study starts at 5:00 pm

 Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study starts at 6:00 pm

 Wednesday Bible Study for Youth and kids 6:00 pm